Moore House Primary Dunkeld
is located in a tranquil, rural environment near Dunkeld, Perthshire. The school is situated alongside our Academy on the Moore House Group Dunkeld Campus. Our Campus provides small group specialist day and residential care and education, including therapeutic support, for children and young people aged 5 to 18 years, whose high levels of anxiety and social communication impede their emotional development and prevent success in learning.
Moore House Primary School – Dunkeld aims to provide sector-leading provision for children whose neurodiverse needs, particularly children on the autism spectrum and those who experience social anxiety, require specialist teaching, high level individualised pastoral care and a range of dedicated services. The school provides specialist day education, including therapeutic support, for up to 6 children aged 5 to 12 years who require significant additional support for their emotional and learning needs.
The school uses creative approaches to deliver the full Broad General Education entitlement for our small group of children whose needs have not been met within mainstream schools. The peaceful, rural environment of our primary school presents a myriad of opportunities for outdoor learning and lends itself to naturally therapeutic approaches. Children attending Moore House Primary – Dunkeld benefit from the support of their experienced primary teacher and Support for Learning Assistant as well as from the additional support of specialist teachers from Moore House Academy – Dunkeld which is located separately but on the same campus. This co-location of our secondary academy and primary school enables our younger children to enjoy social interaction with older peers when appropriate since we believe that flexibility in meeting the needs of our children is key.