Moore House Primary Dunfermline
Moore House Primary: Dunfermline, is located in a therapeutic rural setting near Dunfermline in Fife. The school provides specialist day and residential care and education, including therapeutic support, for up to four children aged 5 to 13 years. Our children experience social and emotional difficulties, arising from early childhood trauma, dysfunctional family support and mental health needs, occurring often as a result of unemployment and extreme poverty, as well as drug or alcohol abuse. Their challenging needs and barriers to learning prevent success in learning. Almost all our young people have been excluded from school and have significant gaps in their learning. Many have also experienced several care placements.
Our staff work within the underpinning philosophy of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP), thus promoting our nurturing and healing ethos and the development of strong relationships in order to gain the trust of each child. We have a strong focus on health and wellbeing and work with partners to help build resilience in our young people.
Our Dunfermline school works in close partnership with our Bathgate secondary campus and benefits from the support of the range of subject specialists there. All our teachers are fully qualified and registered with the GTCS. Our skilled and qualified day care staff add invaluable support. Our curriculum which is rooted in the framework of Curriculum for Excellence provides flexible and creative learning opportunities within carefully planned personalised learning pathways. We ensure full entitlement within our BGE curriculum, including utilising the potential of interdisciplinary learning to reinforce numeracy, literacy and health and wellbeing. Our rural environment lends itself to outdoor learning and practical activity which are necessary motivators for our learners, many of whom have previously disengaged from learning. Our care and education staff plan and work together closely for the young people who live in our homes to ensure consistency across our 24 hour curriculum.
Regular self evaluation at all levels and careful tracking of progress helps us to disseminate good practice as well as to respond quickly to any identified issues.
Please have a look at the relevant prospectus linked below for a more in-depth view of Moore House Primary: Dunfermline.