Parental Involvement and Engagement

Working in partnership with parents/carers is a key part of the work of MHA, Dunkeld. If there is a concern, we need to know about it so we can work together to find a resolution. You can communicate with us at any time – we welcome the opportunity to speak directly with parents/carers. Contact with the Head of Education or Depute Head of Education is initially undertaken by contacting the school reception.

We share information about the work of the school and information about children and young people through electronic letters, messages on email, newsletters, Standard and Quality reports, Parent Forum meetings, school events – open days, prize giving, sports days  – Parent/Carer evenings, discussions with parents about individual children/young people’s My Profiles via ASN Review, Support or Post School Transition Planning (Senior Phase only) meetings. We encourage parents/carers to speak with us by phone (via school office/reception) or in person when they wish to do so.

Each child/young person has a Key Teacher and they will communicate regularly with parents/carers

We know that schools work best when they have close partnerships with parents and

carers. We welcome parental involvement and hope that you will want to get involved in school activities as much as possible. We have parents/carers evenings twice a year, in November and April and monthly Parent Forum meetings (online) during term-time. A full calendar of provisional dates will be sent out to families by the end of August each year. If you have ideas about how to develop parental involvement at MHA, Dunkeld and cannot make it to the Parent Forum (which is open to all MHA, Dunkeld Parents) please speak to your child/young person’s  key teacher in the first instance, or by making an appointment with the Depute Head of Education or the Head of Education.

Senior Leadership TeamTracey Ford-McNicol
Craig Martin
TeachersPam Bicocchi – Science, Maths & Duke of Edinburgh
Owen Jermy – English
Roz Rattray – Health & Wellbeing (PE & Home Economics)
Stephen Graham – Social Studies
Alison Honeyman – Maths
Ola Gora – Health & Wellbeing (H & W, RME & Home Economics)
Jane Jones – Virtual Academy
Lifeskills InstructorCat Hutton
Specialist TutorKyle Strachan – Outdoor Learning
Cally Gordon – Outdoor Activities
Karin Borland – Art
Specialist Advisers Nikki MacPhee – Speech & Language 
Susan Dogan – Occupational Therapy
Danya Miller – Sleep Scotland
Coral Bell – Education
Win Wood – Education
Support for Learning AssistantsKaren Bell
Psychological Services Interventions. (PSI)Stephanie Hillman
Robert Davidson
Administrative TeamWendy Beshlishki 
Jodie Cockburn
Housekeeping/CookHilda Lawrence
EstatesDerywn Hooper
Nikolay Petrov

School Day

9.00 to 9.15amSoft Start
9.15 to 9.45amLesson 1
9.45 to 10.30amLesson 2
10.30 to 11.00amMorning Break
11.00 to 11.45amLesson 3
11.45am to 12.30pmLesson 4
12.30 to 1.00pmLunch Break
1.00 to 1.45pmLesson 5
1.45 to 2.30pmLesson 6
2.30 to 3.00pm Lesson 7

Academic Term Dates

Term 1(Autumn)

In-Service (1) Start back at school Staff Monday 15 August 2022

In-Service (2) Tuesday 16 August 2022

Wednesday 17 August 2022 Start back at school for all Children & Young People 

Autumn Holiday 

Start Monday 10 October 2022

End Friday 21 October 2022 

In-Service (3) Thursday 10 November 2022

In-Service (4) Friday 11 November 2022

Christmas Holiday

Start Friday 23 December 2022

End Friday 06 January 2023

Term 2 (Spring/Summer)

In-Service Day (5) Wednesday 15 February 2023

Mid Term Holiday

Thursday 16 February and Friday 17 February 2023

Spring Holiday

Start Monday 03 April 2023

End Friday 14 April 2023

May Day Holiday

Monday 01 May 2023

Summer Holiday

Start Thursday 29 June 2023

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